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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Megestanu

     “I’m not the kind of person who can easily admit to this, but I am a little bit confused? You’re telling me I can forget everything I’ve been taught and believe in? About our Country and the World?”
     “Mister Kardeem. I know you understand exactly what I am saying. You’re just trying to figure out, how much of it you should believe and how much of it is true.”
     “How can you blame me? We are brought up in this country to believe in ‘Honesty, Compassion, and Freedom for All,’ but now you’re telling me it is all a facade?”
     “It is funny that you should quote a comic book hero. That is exactly what we are telling you. Just like the readers of those comic books, science fiction novels, fantasy novels, the people who listen to music, watch heroic adventure movies, and play today’s virtual reality games, where the player is depicted as the hero of a story line, it is all superficial.”
     “And your reasoning behind this is to give the masses false hope? So they believe, as resources dry up, water continues to be contaminated, and their food source becomes synthetic, there will be a hero, either born here on Earth, rising as Phoenix from the ashes, or an alien being, swooping down from the heavens in the nick of time to save humanity from their blight?”
     “Exactly Mister Kardeem.”
     “And I’m being recruited by whom?”
     “Mister Kardeem, once again we are inviting you into the inner-circle of The Megestanu. The true Rulers behind the One World concept. The movers and shakers, if you will, of the New World Order. The One World Order.”
     “Let me get this straight. You are a representative of a group of ten men and women, I believe you called them Princeps, who run the show, behind the scenes and our President is not really Commander and Chief of the United States Military?”
     “He certainly is the Commander and Chief of the United States Military. But his actions are dictated by the information he receives on a crises, the advice given to him by his Advisers, and any collaborating evidence supplied by other Nations involved.”
     “Then you are saying, the way the Megestanu wants a Political crises handled, the President of the United States will receive only partial information on that crises or false information altogether?”
     “Give me some examples.”
     “I’ll give you three based in your own country. But the three will be in the distance past, where there are no survivors to collaborate your story if you decide not to join our elite Centurions.”
     “Oh, I see. You are going to let me walk out of here if I decide not to enlist in your legionnaire squad.”
     “Mister Kardeem, let me give you my three examples, then we will discuss our recruitment procedures, OK?”
     “Go right ahead. First, what do I call you again? Imperator Claudius?”
     “You will go a long way in our Centurion Corps if you show respect to the Princeps and Imperators you are introduced to. You could even walk out of here alive.”
     “Claudius, err, Imperator Claudius. Your threats don’t frighten me. I’ve been dead inside for years. That is why I’ve been a mercenary for most of my life. If I decide I don’t like your little group of God-wannabes, I’ll enjoy the challenge of taking you down before anyone can snipe me from behind.”
     “Very astute Mister Kardeem. But I’m sure there will be no need for violence. Your profile was thoroughly checked and I assure you, you would not be here if we felt in the slightest way that you would not join our little Utopia.”
     “See, God-wannabes.”
     “The first incident I’ll tell you about is the attack on Pearl Harbor.”
     “Claudius, I’ve heard the conspiracy theory. Where the radar technician saw the planes coming and his Commanding Officer waved it off as a training mission of the United States Navy.”
     “What you might not have heard Mister Kardeem is that President Roosevelt, who desperately wanted to enter the War, received information four days before, that the attack by the Japanese Fleet was emanate.”
    “You’re saying the President new about it and did nothing? I find that hard to believe.”
     “It has been over one hundred years since the incident, and because of the Freedom of Information Act, you can read all the documents for yourself Mister Kardeem. And if you do so, why don’t you try to find out if the Commanding Officer of the radar technician ever was reprimanded for his failure to act appropriately to the oncoming attack, by confirming any Navy training missions.”
     “I’ll check on it.”
     “The next incident is about the one individual who almost single-handedly destroyed one hundred years of the Megestanu’s effort to lead us into the New World Order, Richard Milhous Nixon. Once he became President, he was supposed to escalate the Vietnam War into Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and finally Malaysia so we could have had one Nation ruling over that part of the Asian Continent. This would have made it that much easier to manipulate the area going forward. But alas, being President made Mister Nixon think he was out of reach from the Megestanu. His failure to follow instruction became his downfall, and a lesson to all the Nations of the World. That if the Megestanu can have the President of the United States dethroned for his dereliction to us, what would become of Leaders of less influential empires? The Megestanu has lasted for a thousand years and will continue for a thousand more.”
    “Imperator, you’re Freudian slipped. You said the Megestanu has lasted for a thousand years and will last for another thousand. Since you folks like to throw around Latin names for everyone and everything, you might have heard that the Roman Empire only lasted two thousand years in one form or another. Now you’re hinting at lasting only a thousand more years? I thought Utopia was supposed to last forever?”
     “Mister Kardeem, sarcasm, really? The last incident I will relay is the infamous 9/11 attacks on the United States. If you read your history, then President Bush wanted to take down Saddam Hussein as President of Iraq. He kept lying to his own people, telling them that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that the United States should unite with NATO, to destroy his regime. We finally relented since Saddam himself failed to make peace within his own country with the Kurdish people. The Megestanu are not fond of any Leader trying to genocide any race of people. To stabilize the region, we agreed upon a solution which would appease George W. Bush’s personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein, and in return he would have to occupy Afghanistan as well.”
     “The Middle East has been waging war in the name of one religion or another for over three thousand years. Why can’t the Megestanu control that area of the World?”
     “Mister Kardeem, religious fervor is always the x-factor in any equation of uniting the World. Our efforts for a New World Order is through economic means. Until all those avenues have been exhausted, then violence can finally be used. And as you plainly know, Afghanistan is still occupied today.”
     “Imperator Claudius. I’m beginning to see why I have been recruited. You want me, as an Arabic descendant, to take out a Religious Leader who is disrupting your New World progress in the Middle East.”
     “Precisely Mister Kardeem.”
     “How do I know you won’t let me out to dry?”
     “Mister Kardeem. We have total faith in you by your record of past successes. We will let you plan the whole scenario and if you like you can use your own men, equipment, and contacts. But if you do, you are the only one joining the Megestanu, and your men must not be informed of our existence.”
     “What is in it for me and my men if I invite them along?”
     “For them, double their normal salary. For you, something we know you always wanted. Your own private island as your home base of operations.”
     “I can do that. Where do I sign?”

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