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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Friday, August 6, 2021


We Poets in our youth begin in gladness; But thereof come in the end despondency and madness.” --William Wordsworth 
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angel-headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night . . . .” --Allan Ginsberg 
They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.” --Nathaniel Lee, on being committed to the Bethlehem Hospital for the Insane, a.k.a Bedlam 
I have felt the wind on the wing of madness.” --Charles Baudelaire 
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain And all the children are insane.” 
--Jim Morrison 
   Hello, my fellow Travelers and Troglodytes! This is Electric Dave, and now, O my little droogies, comes the weepy and lugubrious part of my wee tale, all full of tears and flapdoodle, partings with such sweet sorrow, the end of an era, the death rattles of the American Dream, cough, cough, cough. Ahem. In this final installment, (Before the Epilogue) I pull out all the stops and describe our intrepid hero's final dark descent into madness and mayhem with all the fixin’s. Ya want cheese with that? 
   When last we left our intrepid poet-warrior, he had just cut the album White Cars! to the acclaim of dozens. Well, maybe a baker’s dozen, if you include the baker. But did our hero rest on his laurels? Did he decide that all that rock ‘n’ roll fame, the excess, the booze, the women, the drugs, the screaming madness, it was all too much? Huh, did he? Maybe. Maybe not. You’ll just have to read on and find out. 
   Around that time we decided ROAD TRIP! Destination: Minneapolis to watch a Brewers-Twins game at the Metrodome. It was to be Howie, Todd, Tim, and yours truly blasting off in the white shark, but at the last second Tim said, and I quote, “I got a bad feeling about this one,” and bowed out, so his brother Jeff climbed aboard (big mistake!) and we set off guiding our way by the astrolabe and the occasional interstate highway sign. It turns out that Tim was prescient because Howie was in rare form that weekend and got himself rat-arsed almost immediately upon arrival at the hotel bar. We dialed in the Mothership, frantically yelling at them, “Houston! We got a problem!” but all we got was a lotta static and when they finally replied, they just laughed at us and gave us fake demon rum incantations to ward off the evil spirits. But it was of no use, our fate was sealed, Howie was pretty much like Captain Ahab and canned heat was his white whale. There was Howie, fighting that big ol' Moby-Dick, but it took a lot outta him and eventually he got so snookered that we all told him, Look, Howie, why don’tcha go sleep it off before we go to the game tonight? So he went up to our room. We continued our own peaceable drinking at the hotel bar and when we went up later to wake him up he had put the chain on the door and at first he was so ploughed under he couldn’t even get up to let us in. We had to shout wicked words at him and threaten to break down the door before he finally struggled to his feet and let us in. Whereupon, he started to get belligerent with Todd and although Howie was a strong dude back then, Todd was stronger (and soberer), and rassled him down while Jeff deftly grabbed a beer outta Howie’s hand. We were not amused and so we left Howie in the hotel room and walked to the game, a couple of blocks away. But after about the 2nd or 3rd inning, Howie stumbled in, drink in hand, and found his seat. We sat there wondering “What the eff next?” but miraculum miraculorum, there was no further trouble. Howie just sat there emitting mumblings and burblings, and after another 2 or 3 innings, he got up and disappeared. We probably shoulda followed him to make sure he didn't get rolled on the mean streets of Minneapolis, but we didn’t, and that was bad on us. But after the game, we went back to the hotel and found him passed out in our room, so no worries, mate. The next day, the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Howie show was over, so we did some sightseeing before driving back to MKE. All day, Howie was contrite, deferential, and courteous: his affable old self. What a difference a day makes! 
   After Jack left the band, we tried to make it as a three-piece, but it wasn’t working. Oh, it was fine for the studio, but it became apparent that it was unsustainable live, so Howie invited Kelly, a loafers-and-no-socks wearing guitarist/vocalist to audition for the band and he passed. Around the same time, “THE EXACT CHANGE,” i.e., Todd and me, advised TWO BUCK that we were going to start playing some new material or that we would nail his sneakers to the floor. The rock songs from White Cars! were still good, but the rest of our repertoire was getting stale. So Howie agreed and we started playing songs by the likes of Hüsker Dü, The Smithereens, Hendrix, Black Sabbath, The Ramones, The Replacements, and some of our originals. With Kelly on board, we got tight in a hurry and played Garibaldi at the end of the year, and, despite a few gaffes, it was a good show. After playing together that long and what with the studio work, I guess we found a groove. Kelly brought his own entourage who kept requesting the one song he wrote to that point and we kidded him endlessly about it. Little did we know, but that would prove to be the last dance by TWO BUCK HOWIE WITH THE EXACT CHANGE. I still have the tape from that show, and one of the most hilarious moments of the evening is when Stritch, who was running the tape deck for me, yelled into one of the recording mics in the middle of “I Wanna Be Sedated” by The Ramones, “FUCK YOU, DAVE!” I still laugh every time I think of that. 
   We didn’t know that would be our last gig together, and after that I got a little used 4-track cassette recorder (only 3 tracks actually worked reliably) with the intent of using it to write some more originals together and maybe doing another album. So now we were recording at The Marzbed Club (as I had christened the flat I lived in in South Milwaukee) and various members of $2 Howie would come over and we’d lay down tracks. It was a helluva lotta fun and we came up with some good sketches for songs but didn’t really follow through on them. Oh, well, maybe some day. 
   We also continued to jam in Todd’s loft and I still have a few odd tapes from this era on which there are both weird experimental ditties (Todd, besides being a kick-ass percussionist, was an idiot savant on the keyboard) and also pretty tight versions of our repertoire. The final set of tapes and, indeed, the last time we jammed together is called “Howie’s Farewell Tour: The Last Rumble,” and is the official album of the Pope’s visit to Carollville (inside joke). Howie was way late to the jam session and showed up howling for more beer! more beer! more beer! He was in rare form that night, his banter was great, Todd and Kelly were into it, the songs we played rocked hard, there were wild singing and playing, and even Stritch tried his hand at bass even though we kept shouting at him, wrong string! try the other ones! I started slithering the fretboard of my Les Paul up and down on my amp while playing a slide part and Howie and Stritch just looked at me and said, “Where’s that been all this time?” Kelly had a new song, or at least new music, and Howie made up lyrics impromptu and they were hilarious. By the end of the evening, we were playing songs we’d never done before and that we didn’t actually know, improvising lyrics and chord changes and solos and just generally being boys behaving badly. Some things never change. 
   It was a fitting end to an era. Howie left for California soon after and about a year later I moved to England. I don’t remember if I felt an acute sense of loss right away because I was excited to be moving into a new phase of my life, but I’ve often since thought about those days of playing with TWO BUCK HOWIE and Todd, Jack, Kelly, and the rest, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it for all the hops in Yakima. OK, maybe a minute or two, but there’s no experience that is like playing in a band and getting tight with your friends in that situation. Whatever quarrels or disagreements we had, however we disappointed one another, all that stuff fades away. What mattered then and still matters is that we had a helluva lotta fun in each other’s company and came out the other end relatively unscathed. As I said above, I still have tapes from us back in those days and I sometimes listen to them and am surprised at how easily I am transported back into the Zeitgeist of those young guys having a blast learning to be a band and maybe finding out a few other things besides. Anyway,
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. And look out, there's a tiger behind you.” --Revelations 22: 18-19

Thus endeth the third 
and final installment of
that about wraps ‘er up.
If you liked what ya read,
why don’tcha click on some ads
and stuff
and earn
$2 Howie
a buck three eighty
or whatever they’re paying blog meisters these days to provide puerile pablum for the uncritical masses?
Or at least buy him a shot of cheap gin at the
National Ave. Liquor Bar,
fer criminey’s sake,
10 of the Best Bottom Shelf, Cheap Gins, Blind-Tasted and Ranked - Paste 
This is,
Damn And I Quit Drinking Too
Ah What The Heck
If Your Buyin' I'm Tryin'
Jim Hauenstein
“When life gives you juniper berries, make gin!”
- Laurie Buchanan -
That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Be Kind To Everyone.

I'll Be Seeing You!

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