About Me

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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Day After A Holy-Day

of any Religion,
of American traditions,
of any Family unit.
We need a reason to celebrate a moment in time
and reflect on what it meant to us.
is too strong of a word,
but I feel,
we at least want to have these days to celebrate,
so we can take time off of work,
or to reflect on our growth as we get older,
or to share those moments with other family members.
We must 
Thank all Religions,
(so they could collect money from their followers,)
by setting aside the first day of rest so we could listen to their sermons
and become better
Human Beings
in the eyes of whatever
you follow.
thanks to
who recruited the best workers of the day by offering higher wages than any industrialist at that time,
and by adding another day off for the work force,
if that work force would stay sober while under his employment.
Add those weekend days,
except for you overtime hungry workers,
and all the personal holidays,
Government required Holidays,
and the Religious Holy-days,
you can almost get up to a 1/2 the year off of working if you play your cards right
and find a job that you love to do.
But for most people,
the rock band
said it best in their song
"Birth, School, Work, Death."
Most of the World's population is satisfied just to have a job to support their families.
Only a few
Make Their Mark
in this World
and are remember forevermore.

This is,
Yes - Still Living In The Alternative 1980s,
Jim Hauenstein,


“Time erodes gratitude more quickly than it does beauty!” 
- Mario Puzo -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Thanks for reading.

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