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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

You May Be Wondering

You may be wondering,
"What has happened to my favorite writer, TwoBuckHowie? Why is he not writing?"
I have been using my son's computer ever since my computer crashed earlier this year.
He has asked me to speed up his computer for him,
so he can compete better online,
with some of the games he plays.
And with
Formula 1,
I don't seem to have as much time as I used to.
To accomplish his request as quickly as possible I mean.
Right now,
I am at the
Temecula Public Library
writing this
to keep my
and my
updated on my whereabouts,
so everyone doesn't think that I am out ill
or something.
I will have finished with his computer by
Thanksgiving Day
and I can bring out of mothballs,
my old
XP Laptop!
Now won't that be fun to play with.

 This is,
Thanking Everyone For Coming Back
And Still Reading Everything I Have To Offer On This Blog,
Jim Hauenstein,


“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”
- Jorge Luis Borges -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what you are reading?

Sign up as a Follower,
or Set up my Blog
as your Homepage
on your Web-browser,
or Leave a Comment,
or a Suggestion,
and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The Pink Pilferer

See the source image
   "Do you know of old Earth history?" Says Selenium. A miner's daughter, born on the moon Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter.
   "You have the information in your memory banks, right?"
   Selenium is asking questions, but doesn't really expect an answer from Ru44. Her android companion, who actually does everything on board the pirate spaceship, The Pink Pilferer.
   "It is just like in Earth's past history, living out here like we do."
   Ru44 is piloting The Pink Pilferer, as Selenium babbles on the subject of the old wild west she has just read about. How on the frontier, justice was dueled out by a majority rule. A mob rule. When there where few and far between Peace Officers in the outlying Territories. Just like it is in the outlying coordinates of the Solar System.
   When Transporters, a name given to the crews of the ships hauling good and services, back and forth, between mining colonies, come across a Pirate ship past the last authorized governing body of the planet Mars, they quickly become judge, jury, and executioner.
   Telling the Pirate that he will have to, "walk the plank." And in today's terms, that means standing in an airlock, while the crew watches you get sucked out into outer space once they open the airlock's doors.
   Half of the Transporters flying around the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and the asteroid belt, from one time or another were Pirates themselves. But, because miners become so rich, seemingly overnight, they give jobs to the most skilled and affluent Pirates. Diminishing the need to hire programed military androids.
   The cost alone, of having an armed and ready militia of androids, purchased from the companies holding the monopolies on the planets of Earth and Mars, would cost you at least five years of profits. If any maintenance is needed, or if the androids needed to be reloaded or rearmed, you can add another two years of profit to the total. Paying a Pirate Crew double of what they would get after hijacking a ship and selling its goods to your competitors, is still only one year of profit, instead of seven years of having a robot army.
   Besides, after hiring a Pirate Crew, there are that many less out there hijacking ships.
   Selenium was the exception to the rule though. After her parents were killed by a bunch of greedy miners, over a dispute of an asteroid claim, she swore vengeance to all miners for her retribution.
   She inherited Ru44 from her parents. Once a military bot, he became companion, caretaker, and protector of Selenium while she was growing up.
   He was upgraded, early on, with all the programed emotions that was allowable by law, at the time of purchase. Deprogrammed, supposedly, of all his military capabilities when he was sold to Selenium's parents. Except her father, Roentgen, secretly paid the seller a exorbitant amount of bitcoin to keep his programming intact. He knew he wouldn't be available, at all times, to protect his little girl.
   When the miners, who killed Selenium's parents came looking for her, they met with an equally gruesome death. Trying to steal the asteroid, and covering it up by killing the witnesses, cost them their lives. But not their kinfolk lives. And who are the other miners in this area outer space going to believe? A twelve year old girl, who claims her parents were killed first, or the kinfolk of the twenty-six dismembered miners, ripped apart by one ex-military android, and owned by the little girl.
   Selenium is twenty-three now. Every-bit as angry, as the day she turned thirteen. Traveling from Uranus, all the way to Earth, and everywhere in-between, without ever getting caught.
   No one has ever found out who the fence is who purchases the hijacked spacecraft filled with goods and services, but there have been a lot of falsely accused criminal types, who have spent time in jail, until Selenium hijacks another spacecraft and it seemingly disappears. Never to be seen again or of its cargo.
   She is not the evil person the media would have everyone believe. She has always captured the crew alive, with some minor injuries to the fools who believe they can outsmart her, and secretly dumps them off on some asteroid with a homing beacon and enough oxygen to survive until rescued.
   There have been military bots setup on some asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter, but without knowing her next move, the odds of calculating which rock she will strand her captives on, out of the millions of rocks in the belt, is like winning the lottery, when there still was a lottery.
    "Can you imagine? People were allowed to carry guns, in public places, just like we do now." Selenium says excitedly. She is reading the history of the wild west on a viewing screen in the ships piloting module. She confiscated the program from the spacecraft Orion. A Transporter ship she and Ru44 hijacked just weeks before.
    She could have easily downloaded the information from the S.S.I. or Solar-System-Internet. But everybody knows that the governing bodies of One World Earth and the governing body of Free Mars, monitor every computer, tablet, eye-wear, headgear, body implanted computer vision-wear, and mind implanted phone service, to the extent that their daily lives are fitted on a memory chip so investigators have records of any possible past, present, or future transgressions you have, are, or might commit. The only true free people of the human race are the miners living away from the grid. If Selenium tried to access the S.S.I., her location in the Solar System would light up every law enforcement agency computer screen from Earth to Mars, and every miner turned bounty hunter from the asteroid belt and beyond.
    No, Selenium is smart enough to know, and has been at this long enough, not to make such a simple mistake. Her only choice is to download all of the computer files from a hijacked ship she has taken, check for programmed viruses that might disable her on board computers or send out a beacon of her local, and see what the latest news and reading material some of the more intelligent Transporters have.
   She knows that it is dated material, but feels that old news, is better than no news at all.
   "Selen." Says Ru44. The nickname Selenium asked him to say, when she was just nine years old. "There is a cargo ship, which seems to be heading in the direction, if my calculations are correct, to the moon Triton, circling Neptune."
   Selenium knows that Ru44 has never been wrong with his calculations, but still asks, "Have you double checked your findings?"
   "I did a diagnostic of myself right after I calculated their course and found that I am functioning at one-hundred percent efficiency, so I could not have possibly made a mistake in my original calculations." Ru44 replies.
   "But there is nothing out there." Says Selen to Ru44. "What possibly, could they be hauling, that would be so important, that they would travel all the way to Neptune?" She pauses for the moment, searching her mind for ideas. "All waste material is sent hurling into the Sun for disposal. Everything else is recycled till the based elements can't be recycled anymore. Are they looking for water? There is a lot of water ice on Neptune, but I cannot see the profit in that."
   Ru44 interrupts her train of thought and says, "You are missing the obvious Selen. Remember Earth history, when they believed there were nine planets? Where is the dwarf planet Pluto located in?"
   "The Kuiper Belt," she screams. "Someone is finally going to start mining out in the Kuiper Belt."
   Ru44 continues, "I imagine they are setting up a based station on Triton, and possibly Pluto itself." He waits a second for her to speak, but she doesn't. So he goes on to say, "Even with today's propulsion systems, it could take up to a year before any cargo could reach Mars for processioning. The profit returns, after the cost of mining out there, will be minimal at first, unless Mars or Earth Space Agencies have made a breakthrough on wormhole technology. If so, we will be out of business."
   "So why don't we take that ship, heading to the outer solar system, and find out what is really going on." Says a smiling Selenium.
   "I thought you might see it that way." Says Ru44.
   "There will possibly be Military Androids onboard Ru. Do you think you can take control of their ship?"
   All Ru44 does, is looks at Selenium, and smiles. The most awkward, and frightening smile any human has seen from a Robot.
   "It will be my pleasure Selen." Ru44 tells her confidently. Then integrates himself into the Pink Pilferer's navigation system and armaments, to do battle with the unsuspecting mining cargo ship.

This is,
Will Right More If Someone Leaves A Comment Asking For More,
Jim Hauenstein,


"It's better to swim in the sea below, than to swing in the air and feed the crow," says jolly Ned Teach of Bristol.
- Benjamin Franklin -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Come On, Be Happy

After cooling off for over a year,
my notorious
Angry Neighbor
is at it again.
instead of writing something completely knew about him,
because he doesn't deserve my time,
I am bringing back a
I wrote on
May 25th, 2015,
Be Happy.
I was thinking all day yesterday,
what I was going to write about?
I couldn't come up with a decent idea worthy of somebody wanting to read it.
I was given the story I was looking for.
At two-thirty this morning,
I was awakened by a loud motorcycle revving its engine,
and the noisy voices of my drunk next door neighbor
and his friend.
This is the same person who constantly calls the
on me for the slightest noise at my house.
He takes pictures of the cars that drive up to my house,
and apparently,
gives those photos to the
who is dispatched to investigate the complaint.
This is supposedly proof that I am either some kind of
organizing a plot against humanity,
or I am an exotic animal smuggler,
selling unregistered
to the highest bidder.
Of course,
do not take him seriously,
because he himself is a wack job.
They haven't even bothered to knock on my door to question me.
He is in the same category of,
Human Beings,
who will leave notes on your car window,
telling you,
what you are doing wrong in life.
if he sees you,
he will tell you,
that the parking spot in front of his house,
is his alone,
and for no one else.
He will say ignorant things like,
"It is illegal for you to park there. I am the only one aloud to park there!"
a couple years back,
when this girl started making a U-turn in front of me,
right in front of his house,
I hit her head on.
He came to his front door when the
and started yelling that I had contraband in the trunk of my car
and they should arrest me.
said the accident was the girl's fault because she was on her
Cell Phone.
she didn't look for oncoming traffic before pulling away from the curb.
this neighbor of mine,
wasn't even brave enough to come outside of his home to accuse me of
Drug Smuggling.
He stayed behind a locked screen door so the
would not arrest him for being a
Public Nuisance.
at the scene of the accident asked me
if I wanted him to have a word with my neighbor
and if he could draw him outside,
maybe he could arrest him for
Disturbing The Peace.
Because of his constant use of profanity towards me,
that the whole neighborhood could hear.
I said no,
because after he was released,
he would be worse with his belligerence,
when he knew the
were not around.
You see,
I have kids,
and as long as he directs his anger towards me,
and not them,
I can put up with it.
  I feel sorry for the poor fellow.
It must be awful to go through life angry all the time.
I think he picks on his neighbors,
to make himself feel better.
I have never seen him enjoy himself,
or be happy.
Except when he is drunk.
He is always complaining
or mad about something.
It must really piss him off that his wife,
which he seems to fight with on a regular basis,
is neighborly towards me.
I'm such a nice guy.
She just cannot help herself.
I guess,
he sees me as a threat since I am not miserable like he is.
To change,
"Be Happy,"
he needs to stop worrying about me,
and everyone else in the neighborhood!
He needs to worry about taking care of his family,
and treating them with respect.
maybe happiness,
might be able to creep inside his
This is,
I Am So Glad That I Found The Secret To Happiness,
Jim Hauenstein,


“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what you reading?

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and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


   I met a beautiful woman, the other day, named Terra. She had deep blue eyes, which reflected back to you. As if you were looking into a large clear ocean. She wore long, light blue hair, that shimmered, like a clear morning sky. She was full of vigor, full of life, and robust in nature. It wasn't a relationship, I would base on mutual attraction. From the start, I needed to be with her, more then she ever needed me. I just felt safe, surrounded by her magnetic personality.
   On meeting her parents, I knew where her strength and beauty came from. Her Father? His name is Mercury. He is always moving, always running. Always needing something to do and somewhere to go. Her Mother? The beautiful Venus. Her image, brings in the morning and evening stars, that shine so brightly behind her. Her brother is the fiery, hot headed Mars. A temperament of only brownish red does he see, but loyal to his family wishes, and especially to his sister Terra's needs.
   This family has always been protected by their powerful parents, and in the case of the children, their powerful grandparents.
   Papa Jupiter. Who's divinity in this dynamic family system, is unheralded, except by his loving partner, Mama Saturn. Where a constant halo surrounds this righteous woman where ever she goes.
   And Jupiter's brother, Uranus. The personification of heaven in the stars, by his jovial mood, and friendly gestures. His mate is the unprecedented Neptune. When she is around, she keeps everyone singing along with her happy musical tunes.
   Let us not forget the family pet, Pluto. A wonderful mischievous dog, who got demoted in stature, in the family's mind, after a myriad of complaints about his size.
   Terra is a friend of mine. I will keep her safe, as much as I can, from the woeful people who have no regard for her, and her future.
Image result for a picture of earth as a woman
This is,
A Story Inspired By The Song "Drops Of Jupiter,"
Jim Hauenstein,

I Forgot It Is Thursday
And I Am Supposed To Write An Episode Of
"The Man From Mars"

Sorry About That.
I Will Do Better Next Week!

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
- Benjamin Franklin -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what you are reading?

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and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Best Posts Of September, 2017

One thing I always like to do is,
to look back on,
The Five Best Posts Of Each Month.
I am still trying to catch up with these,
since I fell so rudely behind.
I am doing
so I will only be one month behind after this.
The end of the year is coming soon
and I will have to do
The Five Best Posts Of The Year,
after the
New Year
comes around.
I need to catch up.
So here we are,
catching up with the month of
September, 2017.
I am beginning to see a trend here,
over these past few months,
where we often have a tie in the standings.
That means,
that the data is telling me,
I have consistent readers coming back
Time After Time.
Thank you.
So here are
The Best Five Posts Of September, 2017!

There Are Two Fifth Place Winners,
Of The Best Posts Of September, 2017,
And They Are:
Is a series of jokes I like and I wrote them down on my Blog for you to enjoy. The name of the Post was inspired by a quote I used from Benjamin Franklin.

My analysis, stating that, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, besides Halloween, is where the United States of America started Cosplaying. I know I have never heard of it or saw anything like Cosplay before the Rocky Horror movie came out.
Image result for the rocky horror picture show 1975

The Fourth Best Post Of September Is:
On the bottom of each Post I always write, Leave a Comment, or a Suggestion, and I will answer you in a Post. For a while there, I was getting a rash of Comments from southern Asia, sometimes saying nice things, but always advertising some kind of business they were involved in. I delete some of the blatant ones, but if they something nice about my Post, I usually leave it up. Because, it does show, people are looking at my Blog from around the World.
Image result for phony define
The Third Best Post Of September Is:
This is a Re-Post of my story from Monday September 4th, 2015, called, can you guess? You have got it! Motivate Yourself. It is the second story, in a series of three, where I am giving advice, hopefully to my kids, and anyone else who might find it useful.
Image result for flo
There are two
tied for
The Second Best Posts Of September!
And They Are:
Sorry, this Post deleted because the person who started a GoFundMe page was actually a scumbag who was trying to cheat people for money. I still believe in "Crowd Sourcing" to help people in this World and I hope you don't get discouraged because a few people are total losers.
See the source image
A fictional story I wrote, inspired by a dream my daughter had, about my grandson, her nephew. Where he protects her from a zombie invasion.
The Number One Post Of September, 2017 Is:
A Re-Post of my story, "Big Wow Comic Fest", from April 22nd, 2015. Where I took three of my children and one grandson to a comic book convention in San Jose, California. How we had such a good time and the wonderful memories I have of that occasion.
 There you have it once again,
The Five Best Post Of The Month!

This is,
Always Enjoying Reliving Some Of My Old Posts,
Jim Hauenstein,


“A million years ago - some hairy bastard daubed a horse on the wall of his cave, he saw it, he drew it - well done! Flash forward to today: 'Hello, welcome to my Blog. Today I bought a plum.”
- Patrick Marber -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what you are reading?

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or a Suggestion,
and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Second Cold War

   "Mister President," says the Secretary of Defense. "India has shot down one of the dead floating satellites circling the Earth, in outer space."
   "India?" Interrupts the President. "They have sent a ballistic missile into space, to shoot down an already dead satellite? But why?"
   "Let me explain, Mister President." replies the Secretary. "Remember your briefing on the Indian Space Research Organization and how their spacecraft is a miniaturized version of our space shuttle? The same look and specifications as our craft was, except smaller."
   "Yes," says the President. "But I don't how that has anything to do with shooting down a satellite."
   "Well, Mister President. India hasn't sent a ballistic missile into outer space to shoot down that satellite, they have equipped their space shuttle with weapons!" an alarmed Secretary of Defense says.
   "What?" asks a startled President. "Isn't that against the International Outer Space Treaty they signed back in 1967, I believe?"
   "Yes, it is sir. They have clearly broken the treaty and international law."
   The President looks down at his desk in the Oval Office, deep in thought. Then he asks the Secretary, "Have they said anything publicly, as to why they would do this?"
   "A press release from their space program reads, 'Our use of a laser cannon to destroy harmful metallic debris in outer space is not, in anyway, a military show of force, or declaration of war against any nation of the world. Our decision is purely based on humanitarian and safety precautions, due to the fact that the International Space Station was destroyed last June, with the loss of all hands on board, because of an old satellite floating around our upper atmosphere'."
   "That is a bunch of poppycock," an angry President tells his Secretary of Defense. "Get me the Prime Minister of India on the phone, right away."
   "I have already asked your assistant to do precisely that, before I came in, sir."
   "Thanks, James." says the President. "You are finally earning your paycheck."
   All of a sudden, in what could be considered a corner in the Oval Office, a red 1980's type landline phone starts ringing loudly and flashing yellow, then red, repeating alternately.
   "It's the Kremlin calling." says the President's assistant.
   "Why isn't Vladimir calling me directly?" asks the President to know one in particular. "After all we been through over the last few years, he can't possibly think we had anything to do with India shooting down a satellite!"
   "Sir," says the Secretary of Defense. "That phone hasn't rung since the cold war ended. If Vladimir is calling on the hotline, I don't think it will be on friendly terms."
   "It's those damn Democrats. That's what it is," says a confused looking President. "They probably told India it was OK to shoot down a satellite. If they want me, I am not going out without a fight. I'll blow up the whole damn country of India. They want a fight, those Democrats? I'll give them a fight. I'll start World War III. That's what I'll do!"

This is,
Telling You There Is A World Treaty Keeping Weapons Out Of Space,
But Who Will Be The First To Break It?
Jim Hauenstein,


“Mounting tensions in Eastern Europe send shivers down the spine. Barely a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War we seem to be sliding inexorably towards another.”
- Alex Morritt, -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

 Like what you are reading?

Sign up as a Follower,
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and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

If you are reading this on a
you will see a
on the bottom of the page,
after all the headlines of stories
where it says;
View Web Version.
To truly get the full benefit of my
I suggest you view the web version.
You will just have to expand the page to be able to read it.

Thanks Again.

This purely a fictional story.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sciencing The $#!# Out Of The Day

It is
and once again,
I am up early reading about some interesting
The first story is really good news for the planet,
but I feel bad news for people who are trying to convince the world about
Global Warning.
That is my personal opinion,
since I feel this
will use it,
to their advantage,
by saying something stupid like,
"I told you so."
"Here's a rare piece of good news about the environment: The giant hole in the Earth's protective ozone layer is shrinking and has shriveled to its smallest peak since 1988, NASA scientists said. The largest the hole became this year was about 7.6 million square miles wide, about two and a half times the size of the United States, in September. But it was still 1.3 million square miles smaller than last year, scientists said, and has shrunk more since September. Warmer-than-usual weather conditions in the stratosphere are to thank for the shrinkage since 2016, as the warmer air helped fend off chemicals like chlorine and bromine that eat away at the ozone layer, scientists said. But the hole's overall reduction can be traced to global efforts since the mid-1980s to ban the emission of ozone-depleting chemicals."
Image result for ozone layer
I can here them now.
"Warmer client has help close the Ozone Layer. Global Warming has helped the world, not hurt it."
That is what I believe those nuts in
will say.
By Ashley Strickland, for CNN on MSN.com
"For the first time, two neutron stars in a nearby galaxy have been observed engaging in a spiral death dance around one another until they collided. What resulted from that collision is being called an unprecedented discovery that is ushering in a new era of astronomy, scientists announced Monday.
We can now fill in a few more tiles in the jigsaw puzzle that is the story of our universe, said Laura Cadonati, deputy spokeswoman for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and professor in the school of physics at Georgia Tech. The collision created the first observed instance of a single source emitting ripples in space-time, known as gravitational waves, as well as light, which was released in the form of a two-second gamma ray burst. The collision also created heavy elements such as gold, platinum and lead, scattering them across the universe in a kilonova -- similar to a supernova -- after the initial fireball."

 I really need to buy a good telescope.
I can't see $#!+ with mine.
"Another gorgeous Saturn photo has emerged from the Cassini archives. The newly released image, which NASA's Cassini spacecraft took on Aug. 12, shows the gas giant and its iconic rings in all their glory. And if you look carefully, you can see the tiny moon Pandora; it's a faint dot near the top of the photo, just beyond the thin outer F ring. Also in this image is the gap between Saturn's cloud tops and its innermost D ring, through which Cassini would pass 22 times before ending its mission in spectacular fashion [on] Sept. 15, 2017, NASA officials wrote in an image description today."

 has sent back to us.

This is,
Sciencing The $#!# Out Of The Day,
Jim Hauenstein,


“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what you are reading?

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and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Professor U.R.N. Stoop Speaks Once Again

As a
you will often find yourself doling out advice,
to your kids,
because you do not want them to make the same mistakes as you did.
the worst thing you can do,
is give advice that is unwanted.
To your children,
they feel,
you are nagging them.
to get around this dilemma,
I give my advice here,
on my
hoping my kids read it,
and take the advice.
May 10th, 2015
Professor U.R.N. Stoop.

 The space,
in between your ears,
is the final frontier.
These are the stories of the
Men & Women
who have fought to keep that space in between your ears alive
and well,
without stupidity.
While you go along in life,
not doing anything,
but stumbling,
and fumbling,
a lot of your knowledge falls out,
directly from your ears
and that attracts the dreaded
These people fight to keep the deadly mind eating
bug from going up your ear canal.
for to,
too many humans,
the uneducated rays of the
looks bright to them.
As long as they don't take off those blindfolded
UV Sunglasses.
Until then,
they can pretend they see which way the wind blows
and quietly smell them plastic roses.
But with a huff
and a puff,
all the
Tom Foolery
all the scheming
and weaning the
Rich Folk
tell you is
and the
Majority Reading Minority
remind you to say,
"What the hey, anyways,"
you realize,
as it becomes clear to you as night
and day,
that your brightly lit
goes down each night,
quietly away.
By then it is too late to say,
or complain about
So as you wallow in self pity
and misery,
always remember those famous last words from
Professor U.R.N. Stoop.
"You'll gladly pay the Piper next Tuesday for that hamburger you can't afford today!"
A reminder from the people who are
Selling Your Future Short
The Ad Councilor.

This is,
Telling You To Take A Hold Of Your Future
And Do Something Positive With It,
Jim Hauenstein,


“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Like what are you reading?

Sign up as a Follower,
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as your Homepage
on your Web-browser, 
or Leave a Comment,
or a Suggestion,
and I will answer you in a Post.

Thanks for reading.

And no,
I am not calling my kids stupid.
I just want them to grab hold of their future
and run with it!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Man From Mars - Episode Thirty

   There I was. In the back of the longest, sleekish, blackish limousine I have ever seen.
   I couldn't see who was driving the vehicle because the privacy window was closed. Even if it wasn't, I'm not sure if I could have seen any distinct features on the driver's face from this distance.
   I was squeezed in the very back seat because Tiny felt it necessary to push his body up against mine, effectively pushing me up against the door. If I had wanted to do harm to Ponleak or Tiny, I couldn't have. It was impossible to move in this seating arrangement.
   Ponleak spoke first.
   "Tiny. Let up on Mister Johnson. You need to remember, he is our friend."
   With that, Tiny moved and I took a deep breath of relief.
   I didn't say anything right away, because I was assessing the situation and of where I stood with these two. Why, all of the sudden, the aggressive behavior towards me? Haven't I kept the amulet in safe hands?
   With this line of thinking, I started to feel unappreciated. In the sense that they were not grateful for the efforts I have been going through lately.
   Here I was, traveling around half of the country, on a bus, trying to escape who knows who, and Ponleak has me followed from the start. When he wants to talk to me, he comes riding up in a limo, over fifteen meters long. Why couldn't he have helped me from the start? Surely he knew I could have used some help and some of his resources to protect the amulet?
   I stewed in my thoughts for the moment, as the limo drove down roads I didn't recognize. And then it came to me. Why haven't I thought about this before. Ponleak has been around since mankind has learned to use fire. Or maybe he taught mankind how to use fire. So why isn't he the richest, most powerful man on the planet Earth?
   With the power of the amulet at his disposal, the advance mathematics he must have known before us Earthlings could even write, and leading a party of equally talented and skilled Atlantians, why didn't Ponleak conquer Earth and become its eternal leader?
   So I asked him.
   His answer?
   "I am the most powerful person on the planet Earth. I have accumulated riches beyond belief. But what is wealth and power? Just another form of messaging someone's ego. My brethren and I have lived a thousand lives here on the planet Earth. Countless metamorphoses, where we change location, nationality, and often skin color. All to go unnoticed by the human race."
   Ponleak pauses here. Opens up a panel in a box, stationed between my seat and his. Inside the box are small bottles of liquor. He pours himself a scotch and soda and asks me if I want something.
   I say no.
   He continued. "What do you think the human race would do if they found a group of individuals who, in their eyes, live forever? Have the power over the magnetic fields of all matter? And come from another world?"
   He stared at me, but I didn't answer.
   "Some would worship us as Gods, others would loath us and plan for our demise. We would either be killed by the populace or we would have to destroy the human race to survive."
   He took a sip, then said, "Neither prospect looked promising to us. Especially since our home planet was destroyed because of the ignorance of a powerful few."
   He waited for me to ask him a question or to make some kind of remark.
   I decided to ask him a question. "Can I have that drink now?"
Image result for scotch and soda

To Be Continued....

On Friday, December 22nd.

This is,
I made Up The Word Sleekish,
Jim Hauenstein,


“Only suckers worry. But he can knock the worry if he takes a Scotch and soda.”
- Ernest Hemingway, -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Five Best Posts Of August, 2017

It is
November 1st,
and your teeth are hurting from eating all that
Halloween Candy.
you came to check out my
to get some relief from that throbbing nerve you have in your largest molar.
you are in luck,
because I am still trying to catch up with
The Five Best Posts Of Each Month.
And this month,
that I am still behind is,
the month of
So here are
The Five Best Posts Of August, 2017!
We have a tie for the
The Fifth Best Post Of The Month Of August, 2017.
And They Are:
My interpretation of why Deus had to kick out Zabulus from Heaven. It is an original story written by me and I do not want to give away anymore spoilers. Because I believe it is one of my better stories, and I want you to read it.
 Image result for earth
Another original story where time travel is the back story. When a passenger on a time tour takes upon himself to hunt a prehistoric animal, he inadvertently changes the future. None of the passenger can foresee what the new future will be like and are surprised by its outcome.
Image result for pta

The Fourth Best Post Is:
My tribute to a Japanese Kung Fu Actress who wowed Japanese and American audiences alike during the 1970s. If you like, look her up and rent a few of her early movies. And yes, this is during the classic era, when the characters were overdubbed with the English language, and their lips didn't sync up to what they were saying.
Image result for meiko kaji photos

The Third Best Post Is:
An original story from me about a child's imagination and where it can lead him. Playing in his backyard, a boy imagines he his crossing over a "Mountain Pass" during a snowstorm. No more spoilers. Please read it. Thanks.

The Second Best Post Is:
A true story about how the United States Military is using actual insects to spy on our adversaries. They also developed insect looking drones for this use. You will be amazed by the technology of our day.
 Image result for insect drones

 The Number One Best Post Of August, 2017 Is:
The true story of my life and the opportunities had to become a musician. I am grateful for those opportunities, but I would never live my life in any other way. Because I never thought I would have seven wonderful children, thirteen grandchildren, and one great grandson. Life couldn't get any better then this.
Image result for forks in the road
 There you have it,
The Five Best Posts Of August, 2017.
I appreciate everyone for reading my
This is,
 Wondering What I Will Write About Tomorrow
Jim Hauenstein,


“My blog is a collection of answers people don’t want to hear to questions they didn’t ask.”
- Sebastyne Young -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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