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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Stuff I Like To Talk About With My Theologian Friend

I was talking to a peer when I brought up the subject of
I asked,
"What is the difference between cloning someone who is alive
or cloning someone who is dead."
We already clone most of our
and the rich like to bring back their favorite dead pets.
These are just two of the companies in the
United States
bringing back your dead pets to life.
South Korea
has been doing it for at least three decades.
  Our discussion centered around a person's
Essence or Soul.
We pretty much agreed that a
person's environment meant a lot on how that individual would grow up and grow old.
The same two cloned individuals,
say one growing up in
Los Angeles California,
compared to the one growing up in
Fairbanks Alaska,
would not have the same personality traits as the other.
There would be similarities,
of course,
but I personally believe that the environment one lives in has a lot to do with the type of person that you will become.
I wrote about cloning before in my short story
(It's about a person's soul or essence being drawn back into each subsequent cloned body after it is revived.)
But my question to my peer was,
"If a dead person is cloned and brought back to life, does the original person's essence or soul inherits the new cloned body? Or is there a different soul for that body? And what if you clone a live person, do they share one soul or somehow a new soul is given to the cloned body, by the grace of God. Or higher power. Whatever you prefer."
Do I have the answer?
These are questions I believe for the
like my friend,
will have to ponder in the near future.
As we are having more
Test Tube Babies,
people being
Genetically Enhanced,
and with people saving their bodies in
Cryonic Laboratories,
in case they pass away suddenly.
I plan on being a
on top of my daughters computer.
Something like what you see on the
TV Show
See the source image
This is,
Always Pondering The Big Questions In Life

“How would I know which one I was?” - Karl Pilkington -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Give Directly

   I have been searching for a charitable organization for a while now which I felt wasn't skimming too much of our donations for their non-profit gains.
   There are few big name charities paying their top executives million-dollar bonuses each year because the non-profit organization is making record profits.
   You don't have to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. I would do it but I am tired of rewriting some of my posts because Google takes away my tiny income from this Blog if I don't. I get emails saying I can't say that (the truth) for legal reasons. Imagine that.
   The website I am recommending is called:
   You can give a one-time or a monthly donation if you like. It is up to you on much you can afford.
   Give Directly does warn people of scammers who try to divert you to their websites and take a fee off of your donation. Remember, they will never charge you for donating. So if you want to help them out, buy their merchandise.
   Now for the negative side. Haters from other organizations and racist people.
   The number one complaint I saw when searching, is Give Directly legit was,
"They're sending the money over to Africa."
   Of course there is link on the website under Programs where your money will go to impoverished people living in the United States if that is your thing. What really matters is, and it will make you feel good to do so, is give what you can, when you can.
IGiveDirectly Fund | GiveDirectly
This is,
Always Looking For Ways To Help


“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” - Mahatma Gandhi -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oh Lucky Days

   I'm not a gambling man.
   I have, on occasion, gone to Las Vegas as a tourist. But not as a person who needs to sit in front of a machine for hours hoping for a jackpot.
   I learned a long time ago that gambling was not for me especially since I don't have any kind of poker face. And what is that old adage? "If you can't spot the sucker sitting at the table in the first five minutes, then you are the sucker."
   But what if you had a day like I had? What if you felt really lucky?
   It all started when I was driving down one of the busiest streets in town. Schools were just letting out, I was about five miles away from the freeway I was trying to connect to, and there were eight red lights in my way.
   I just finished working and like everyone else, I wanted to get home. I put on some tunes and started my journey.
Busy Street Traffic at Night | Hyper Time-lapse #shorts - YouTube
   I mostly stayed in my lane but since parts of the road has six lanes, three on each side, I did maneuver back and forth to a lane I thought would be the fastest.
   I passed three lights, as they were green, remembering the song by the Rolling Stones called "Far Away Eyes." (Listen to it)
   Then I made it through three more without stopping.
   I was smiling by now!
   I thought, wouldn't it be nice. And it was. I made the last two lights on the busiest part of the street, onto the freeway, on my way home without stopping.
   What usually can take up to a hour to get home took me thirty minutes.
   I felt so lucky I stopped at the local convenience store and spent $10 on lottery tickets!
And I Won!
I won $2
This is,
That Is Why I Do Not Like To Gamble No Matter How Lucky I Feel
(Insert Happy Face Emoji)
“Play interests me very much," said Hermann: "but I am not in the position to sacrifice the necessary in the hope of winning the superfluous.” - Alexander Pushkin -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Story Knocks On My Door

   I was sitting here this afternoon wondering what kind of story I was going to write about. I thought, maybe I should write down a bunch of really bad jokes and see if anyone responds with a laugh emoji. Or should it be something about science which is always fun for me when I do a deep dive on a subject like the Oxygen Candle. Finally, I was thinking about the option of writing down one of the dreams I have had lately. And if you have been reading this blog over the years you know that all most all of my original stories have come about from a dream I had.
    I was definitely going to stay away from politics! But...
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
   A young lady rang my bell, I answer the door, she hands me a flyer, saying, "You should vote for Matt Rahn for City Council."
   My reply was, "I will think about it."
(That is not me in this picture LoL)
   If you are too young to know this, the trend of all local political campaigns, from either party, is always the same thing. More funding for police and fire services. Ensure our city is the safest in the country. Support local businesses. Make education a priority and so on.
   Once they get elected, unless they are a good person and were sincere, nothing ever changes.
   Now comes the funny part. Why I will not be voting for Matt Rahn for City Council. The first endorsement he has on his flyer is from congressman Darryl Issa! Except his name is spelled Darrell Issa!
   If you can't even fact check someone's name or you put down a false endorsement, either way, you are not the candidate for me!

This is,
Getting A Good Laugh From The Candidate From Texas Who Change His Name To


“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” - Martin Luther King Jr -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

This One Is For Me

   This is going to be a sort of diary entry today.
   I have used my blog over the years for a therapeutic means of escapism. So it should not come as a surprise to anyone who is still reading my material
   I do enjoy the stories I have written and the books I have self published. I needed a means of expressing myself in new ways, since playing music was no longer a choice that I have.
   But alas, after the sales of my second book tanked after a few months, I gave up on writing too!
   Don't get me wrong. I knew that sales of my book were going to be difficult since I don't have the money to advertise myself, but when you hear from friends, family, and people you meet in life that, "I don't read anymore." it becomes discouraging and the feeling of failure, overwhelming.

   Time for a disclaimer: I'm not trying to solicit comments, sympathy, or put the blame on anyone else but me. If you ever wrote in a diary you know how much it can help at the time and when you read it years later, you think to yourself, why would I write that? Where was my head at? And I put it on my blog?!?! AHHHHHGG!

   Another reason for writing this today is, it's my trick for overcoming writers block. It has always worked for me to just sit down and start typing the first thing that come into my mind. I'm hoping this is the spark that brings back the joy inside of me to finish my next project and keep telling entertaining stories again.

A Stop In Harmony
This is,
Smiling Once Again
“Who else but me is ever going to read these letters?” - Anne Frank

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

When My Girl Goes A Walkin

Rare 1985 live performance from the rock group
 The song is called
When My Girl Goes A Walking

There is actually four people performing in the band at this time and even though the technology isn't near what it is today it is great to reminisce about playing with a good bunch of musicians.
This is,
I Am Always Thinking Musically


“The only truth is music.” - Jack Kerouac -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's My Opinion

   Because I wrote a post called "It Is Never Too Early" where I talk about how it's never too early to research the candidates that you will have to decide between when voting this coming November, and I'm talking about at the Local, State, and Federal levels, I got a very angry Hate Comment on the post saying how stupid I am and that I must be a Communist for adding some websites which promote Democratic Candidates.
   Someone or some Maga Fascist Group keeps checking up on my blog. They probably have me on a list and anytime their algorithm sees where I write something good about the Democrats, Democracy, reducing the Wage Gap, Affordable Housing, and Equal Rights for Women, Blacks, Latinos, all Immigrants, and the LGBT Community, and anything else I might post that helps mankind as a whole instead of just Angry White People, I get blasted.
It's My Opinion!
   It is still a free country and I have a right to my opinion. If you want to discuss ideologies like intelligent human beings instead insulting me like a ignorant fascist, I will be happy to engage in a conversation, openly, here on this blog so everyone can see both sides.
   But I know that it will never happen because dull-witted people try to use intimidation instead of facts to get there way.
   This happened to me once before during the last election. I posted an article written by the great Mythology Teacher, Electric Dave!
   The article was called;
Deep State Worriers Vs. Creep State Warriors!
   It was up for about a year before the campaign to have it removed began. There were so many complaints that Alphabet Incorporated asked me to take down the post or I would lose my advertisers, which meant I wouldn't get paid for my blog any longer.
   Being a free thinker, I still wasn't going to be intimidated, so I lost a small revenue stream. But the complaints kept coming and I was told I would either have to take down the post or they were going to shut me down.
   Weighing the pros and cons, I felt, at this point, it would be better if my blog stayed up so I could continue to write about the good that people do despite of all the obstacles detractors throw at them.
   I am not here threatening you into voting the way I do. I'm giving you facts so you can see both sides for yourself and not just hear the hateful rhetoric from the people who want to control you but are being controlled themselves from behind the scenes.
This is,
I Already Took Down The Insulting Comment

“Alternative facts and fake news are just other names for propaganda” - Johnny Corn -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

What I Hate The Most

   Okay, now that I have completely alienated my audience by posting sparingly, to nothing at all, I am going to force myself to start writing again. For me.
   I was having a lot of fun coming up with ideas to write about and I miss it.
   I started becoming the old angry man after the release of my last book because I kept hearing from friends and family that,
"I don't read anymore."
   So I became,
"What I Hate The Most!"
   Grumpy about how things have change and I was wishing that they would stay the same.
   Wow, it hurts just writing those words down because now, I have to face up to them.
   When I started a family and the future was so much more important to me, every morning I would say:
Change is inevitable.
Change is exciting.
Change is good.
Look forward to Change
and embrace it.
Then you will never be left behind in life.
   I did well for myself and my family after I got in the right mindset after saying my mantra every day.
   So now it's;
How to change your company name
    I will be posting again and if I get half the audience I once had I will be extremely happy.
(And isn't there always a butt involved?)
I will be posting around twice a week unless the urge forces me to do more!

This is,
Repeating My Mantra Daily Again
So I Embrace All The Excitement Of The Changes In My


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
- Mahatma Gandhi -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Enough Already

Enough is Enough!
    Every few years or so I receive a "Breakup Mixtape" from some anonymous person.
    I've been taking a deep dive on the internet ever since I got the first one maybe twenty-eight years ago!
Break Up Playlist | theclockonline 
    Yes I looked up "Twirlit" which is a Facebook site that talks about entertainment, today's hot gossip, fashion, beauty, and dating/relationships!
    I tried to look up some of the followers to see if there was someone I knew from my past but going through 1.4K Followers sends me down through the rabbit hole of madness.
    The problem is, I cannot remember ever breaking up with someone. I was the one always being dumped because of my cavalier attitude towards having a serious relationship.
You won!
Remember, you dumped me!
This is,
I Guess Your Plan Worked Because I'm Going To Say
I'm Sorry

“After being dumped, I've had more women slap my face when they asked me, "How do you feel now?"

"It only hurts until the next one.” - James Hauenstein -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

It Is Never Too Early

No, it is never too early to start thinking, listening, and reading about your Local, State, and Federal Elections. The evil in men and women who would destroy Democracy for their own gains never sleep. They work year-round to reach their goals and not just in an election year. So I feel it is my duty, as it is every citizen, and as it is for every person in their own country to try to stop tyranny and corruption the best way they can. Keeping people ignorant and afraid of the world is how they divide us and control us. Hopefully, instead of just complaining about the state of affairs, people will rise up to Register to Vote and Vote Blue!
Volunteer Opportunities, Events, and Petitions Near Me · Field Team 6 on  Mobilize
 If you want to do something about it, this organization can use volunteers like you.
They will teach you how to go about it and supply you with the resources you need to be successful.
if you haven't registered to vote yet, you can do so right on
It's that easy.
Everyone knows what's on the Federal Ballots because that is the big news story in an election year. Yet, sometimes, it is impossible to go through all the political mailings you get right before an election, go to regional rallies, or go see your district debates to know who your local and state Democrats are.
The easiest way to be informed is to go to
"Blue Voter Guide helps you make quick, informed, pro-democracy choices of candidates and propositions by showing what's on your ballot, with endorsements from trusted, forward-looking organizations."
Blue Voter Guide | Blue Voter Guide

 Blue Voter Guide | Resources

This is,
Believing In Democracy
And Not In The Corruption Of The Republican Party
“Your current life situation should be the one motivating you to go and register to vote.” - De philosopher DJ Kyos -
 That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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Sunday, March 31, 2024

I Am Not Addicted

One of my
stayed over this weekend
and if you have read my blog over the years you would know that I always say,
"Family comes first."
So instead of spending time on the computer,
I'm spending my time with him.
We had a really good time until he wanted to play
or I mean
We still had a good time playing but I just don't like the game.
Ever since I was a wee little child.
It is the only board game that has been in every house that I have ever lived in
and I have never bought one of them!
Monopoly Star Wars The Mandalorian Baby Yoda Edition , new opened but  unused | eBay
I know 
Baby Yoda 
is popular
but even he can't use his
Jedi Powers
on me so I like the game.
I will play any board game with any of my
Children & Grandchildren
because it keeps them away from staring at their
Cell Phones,
Computer Screens,
or playing endlessly on their
Game Consoles!
and they are making millions by getting the average person to look at their tech,
there must be something wrong with it.
It's called
This is,
I Would Be Scrolling On My Phone Right Now
While Typing On My Computer
But My Phone Needs To Be Charged
I Am Not Addicted!

"Silicon Valley is no longer the valley of innovators who solve problems, it has turned into the valley of resourceful stupidity. They are a bunch of people wasting resources on creating products that do nothing more than fuel the predominant neurosis of consumerism."
- Abhijit Naskar -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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Sunday, March 10, 2024

If You Believe That, I Have A Bridge That I Can Sell You

   The other day, because I was in a hurry, I was getting gas for my car at one of the more expensive gas stations in the area when I saw a billboard next to the pump I was using that read,
We are sick of the high price of gas too!
Scan the QR code below to see how we can lower our prices
by lower our taxes!
   If you believe that bull$#!t, I own the Golden Gate Bridge and you can buy it right now for only $100,000 dollars as a down payment.
   Out of the top five producers in the United States I went to the second record breaking profitable firm which only made 36.5 Billion Dollars last year! Doubling their profits from the year before.
   What this means is the CEO of this company had a compensation package worth almost $36 Million Dollars.
   Don't get me wrong. I believe everyone should make as much money as they can if someone is willing to pay them. But only if it isn't hurting the average consumer because they can't afford a expensive electric car and have to pay high prices at the pump to make up for the consumers who can. They also shouldn't get paid millions of dollars for affecting our climate, our health, and our children's future.
Oil companies' lies are costing us dearly: what they don't want us to  understand about the fuel market | Climate Solutions
If you live in the
United States
and you think the supposed billionaire
Orange Pumpkin Face
running for
is going to make everything better for you,
stop sending him money because I can offer you the
Sydney Harbour Bridge
for only $50,000 as down payment.

This is,
Telling You The Top Five Oil Companies In The United States Made Over $129 Billion Dollars In Profits In 2023
And That Is Why Gas Prices Are So High
“Capitalism is a social system owned by the capitalistic class, a small network of very wealthy and powerful businessmen, who compromise the health and security of the general population for corporate gain.” - Suzy Kassem -
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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Sunday, March 3, 2024

We Still Need Hackers Like Anonymous

 I have a beef this morning.
What ever happened to
I know they have a very loose
and decentralized command structure,
but come on,
what have you done for me lately?
It would be very foolish to believe that everyone claiming to be
is truly
someone has to be.
I am all for their
I loved it when they took on the
I even wrote about it.
My post
is about the
and I commented on
in my
I believe in what they do,
but only when they stand up against
Illegal Business Practices,
Criminal Activity That Hurt The General Public,
Political Corruptness,
All-Around-Douchebags Like Donald Trump!
  They need to be
I haven't heard about them for years.
But then again I'm no longer willing to check out the
I am hoping they didn't become like
Just playing the game for the headlines
 and are still taking on evil people like
Benjamin Netanyahu,
Vladimir Putin,
Kim Jong Un, 
and that
trying to get back in the
White House!

This is,
Hoping There Is Still An Anonymous Out There In The World
And People Like Edward Snowden


"The thing about a hero is, even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep on digging, he's going to keep trying to do what is right and make up for what has gone before, just because that is who he is." - Josh Whendon -

 That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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 I hope the Statute of Limitations has gone into effect for my hacking days!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Still Believing Donald Is A Joke

 Over the years,
I have told my children that it is a good idea to read the opposition's referendum.
To take a look at the different
Religious Teachings
the world has to offer,
like the
or the
That way you will have a better idea why people think the way they do.
I have read the
Mein Kampf,
The Communist Manifesto,
and other political
and religious books to see what stirs the hearts of
Men & Women.
to be fair to our
I went out
and bought a copy of
Donald Trump's
The Art of the Deal.
He must have foreseen his future,
because the book has
Four Chapter Elevens!


"Tonight we honor a self-made millionaire. He started with nothing, worked hard, and made a fortune ... That man is Fred Trump, Donald's dad. That's right, for all his self-starter bullshit, he's basically Jaden Smith with a comb-over."
Seth MacFarlane

"You put up more useless hotels than an autistic kid playing Monopoly."
Lisa Lampanelli

"Donald Trump, without a doubt, you're a New York landmark. Which means it's only a matter of time before you bulldoze yourself to build some gaudy, tacky monstrosity and put your name on it."
Larry King

"And Donald, I’m not even sure if you’re aware of this, but the only difference between you and Michael Douglas from the movie Wall Street is that no one’s going to be sad when you get cancer."
Anthony Jeselnik

"Melania, you look so beautiful tonight. Give her a round of applause. You’ve been such a good sport. So gorgeous. These two are so compatible, because they both yell out Donald’s name when they climax."
Jeff Ross

one last joke about our former
Asked what his new Foreign Policy is going to be if re-elected,
The x-President said,
"If you mess with the United States, there will be hell toupee!"
Jokes are from
Donald Trump
in 2011.

This is,
Still Believing He Is A Joke
And If You Treat Him That Way,
You Will Never Stop Laughing.


“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” - Charles Dickens -

 That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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Chapter 11 is often called a “reorganization bankruptcy” because it allows businesses or other entities to keep operating while they restructure their finances.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Use Of Deadly Force

has it really been that long since my last post?
That's what happens when you are enjoying life.
Time flies!

Here is a little flash fiction I wrote for your reading pleasure called;

Use Of Deadly Force!
   "Come on." Umbriel pleads. The self appointed leader of this band of young explorers and the only male out of the three.
   "I have zipped down there at least five times before and nothing has ever happened to me."
   Cordelia looks to Cressida wide eyed. As if asking the other girl, "What do you think?"
   Since Cressida has been Cordelia's best friend since their inception, she can pretty much figure out what Cordelia is trying say with her expressions even though her natural look is to always look wide eyed.
   "Well, you know what my parental always says." She replies with a growing smile. "You can only die once, twice, or thrice if you have the financial backing. But you can only live in the moment."
   "Your as crazy as he is!" shouts a distraught Cordelia. "I'm not even sure why I hang with you two?"
   "Great." Umbriel says, before Cordelia ties to change Cressida's mind. "We'll just go down there for about 50 clicks, buzz the terrain for awhile, and see if we can scare up some of the creatures roaming around the place. We'll be gone before anyone the wiser."
   "What about the security circling the place?" exclaims the still distraught, wide eyed Cordelia. "If they catch us we'll all be punished in ways I don't even want to think about."
   "Relax, it's a big world out there and security can't be in all places at once." Umbriel reassures her. He pauses for a click and then, with a smile says, "You can trust me."
   Cordelia just stands there wide eyed. Looking back and forth between Cressida and Umbriel.
   It's Cressida who breaks the silence by jumping in the air and proclaiming, "Woohoo! Let's go find out what the military is hiding from us!"
   They sit back down in their seats, strap in, and slowly head towards the quarantine area.
   After a transverse of about half an astronomical unit, flashing red lights automatically start a stroboscopic effect on their dashboard, warning them of impending danger. On their viewing screen pops up a sign that reads:
    Cordelia exhibits her surprise and fright by making a little chirping sound. Cressida beamingly laughs. And Umbriel authorizes the spacecraft to pick up speed. Then says, "Planet Earth. Here comes another, what you creatures like to call, a UFO!"
    This time Cordelia laughs apprehensively while wide eyed.

This is,
Young Beings Throughout The Universe Are All The Same
You Tell Them They Can't Do Something
And They'll Want To Find Out Why

“The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.” - Quentin Crisp -
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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P.S. Merriam-Webster says Beamingly is a word.
I was hoping I made it up.
Have a great day!