I have been searching for a charitable organization for a while now which I felt wasn't skimming too much of our donations for their non-profit gains.
There are few big name charities paying their top executives million-dollar bonuses each year because the non-profit organization is making record profits.
You don't have to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. I would do it but I am tired of rewriting some of my posts because Google takes away my tiny income from this Blog if I don't. I get emails saying I can't say that (the truth) for legal reasons. Imagine that.
The website I am recommending is called:
You can give a one-time or a monthly donation if you like. It is up to you on much you can afford.
Give Directly does warn people of scammers who try to divert you to their websites and take a fee off of your donation. Remember, they will never charge you for donating. So if you want to help them out, buy their merchandise.
Now for the negative side. Haters from other organizations and racist people.
The number one complaint I saw when searching, is Give Directly legit was,
"They're sending the money over to Africa."
Of course there is link on the website under Programs where your money will go to impoverished people living in the United States if that is your thing. What really matters is, and it will make you feel good to do so, is give what you can, when you can.
This is,
Always Looking For Ways To Help
“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” -
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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