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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I'm Feeling A Week Of Reruns

Only if I was feeling better, 
I would write a story about the Six members of a non-violent student group from the 
who were arrested for  
of writing 
and distributing leaflets critical of 
They will be found guilty of treason 
and beheaded. 
They were called the  
White Rose
If you like history, 
it's a part of history you don't hear much about. 
Young people who stood up to an awful regime 
and paid the ultimate price, 
their lives. 
Not unlike what happened to Egypt a few years back.
Another Fan favorite Post of mine from November 2nd,

The Future of Torrents

Actually, it's your future without Torrents.

What everyone should be thinking about on this subject is the underlining reasons behind the dismantling of the peer to peer web sites called Torrents. Even if you have never used one, the end result of this crackdown going on around the World, will eventually affect each of you.

The "Taking Down" of these sites is happening pretty much on a regular basis as soon as they can find the owner of a sites. They call these owners 

You barely hear about it in today's media since they too are invested in keeping ownership of copyrighted material as a commodity. Coverage is mostly limited to, online magazines sites, such as  
"Torrent Freak,"  
and chat rooms.

One chat room was recently exposed as being set up by the U.S. Government to sucker people into exposing themselves.
I'm going to concentrate on the Entertainment side of this issue,
 but all copyrighted material showing up on peer to peer web sites can be argued against their availability by the anti-Torrent supporters and for it by Torrent defenders.

Politicians, Police Task Forces, Publishers, Producers, Programmers, and the Entertainment Business, (The MPAA in particular), would have you believe that if one person is getting copyrighted material through a peer to peer website it will soon mean the end of the World as we know it!

I have read where the MPAA claims that because of Piracy, the Entertainment Industry is losing jobs that could be saved if they could only make more money.

I find that extremely hard to believe.

In a World where so many affluent people are trying for that "One World Economy," (Hollywood types included,) and the Republicans are working for a two class system in America, (Consisting of only the Rich & the Poor), Employers find it is much easier to double the workload on existing Employees instead of hiring new ones.

Getting more work done for the same expense is bringing in higher profits. The long term effect of stress on an individual's health and the related mental and physical mistakes being made on the quality of work being performed by employees from companies using this tactic, has yet to be felt in our society.

From what I have read or witnessed personally here in the U.S.,companies making more money are looking for further ways to increase their profits by decreasing the hours of full time workers whenever possible.
hoping to employ only part time workers.

When this happens, these companies won't have to invest in employee health benefits any longer, giving paid vacations, and pouring money into the Federal Government's mandated Unemployment Fund.

Higher profits, higher greed potential, more money for the rich.

We are also led to believe by the MPAA that the poor coffers of the Rich and Famous in Hollywood could be a lot fuller if these criminals were incarcerated. This would effectively have rich people spending that extra money, stimulating the economy, and helping individuals with lower income when the money trickles down to them.

Making everyone's life better.

Thank you Hollywood Types!

Can't you see how that can help us all? The Rich getting richer?

The heart of the matter is,
not that the Entertainment Industry is losing money,
which they could use to save jobs with,
it's about these Entities trying to grab as much money as they still can 
 and trying to hold onto their dinosaur of an Industry.

An Industry that made these people greedy rich tycoons in the first place.

The Entertainment Business, like all businesses, are constantly changing with the times.

These people can't change with it.

The Gaming Industry, (not Casinos), like PlayStation, Xbox, and Wii all had sales that surpassed the Music and Movie Industries combined. Those two dinosaurs might not be going away anytime soon, but they are no longer what the future holds as the number one Entertainment Business in the World.

I'm not a Futurist, but I can pretty much bet with confidence that something will come along replacing Gaming as the number one Entertainment Business too. 

It's the same as what is happening to computer sales because of smart phones. We'll always need computers, but not everyone in the World needs one since their phone does everything an average person wants. 

Back in the 1970's, the Music Industry cried foul when cassette tapes were introduced because they couldn't stop people from recording a tune to give away to their friends.
In the end, the Music Industry made more money because of selling cassette tapes of an artist's music along side selling the vinyl version.People love,
have always loved,and will always love to own a piece of something in their hands.
Not copies.
It takes away the feeling of ownership of something valuable.The MPAA uses a study that they themselves paid for as evidence that piracy hurts everyone,

when others studies have shown the opposite. It's like the cassette tape incident. They would have you focusing on the negative aspect of this topic instead of brainstorming how the change in the Industry could benefit the Hollywood Types they say they are protecting.

I'm an optimist as far as what the future will bring. But I'm also a realist at what I see as having more constraints coming to us on using the Internet.

If big business and the people who believe freedom is controlling what everyone sees and does on the web can get their way, soon the internet won't be free. You'll have to pay, besides the Cable and Phone Companies, to get some kind of State License and pay a Federal tax to use it.

The License Fee,
with all likelihood,
will have pay levels that cost you more with each step up as you increase your usage.To understand this concept,an example would be what the High Speed Internet Suppliers charge for the higher speeds they offer.History has shown us that a few power hungry rich elitists have always felt it necessary
and sometimes their right to control the masses by restricting what they can

and cannot do. Then comes along the reboot in society and freedom is given back to the people.

But the process slowly repeats itself. And this is what's happening today.

If someone with the Authority, be it Judicial, Legislative, Wealthy Capitalist, or so on, and he or she notices your website and doesn't like what you represents or what your views are, they will use their influence to outflank you with high price Lawyers, Judges who are their friends (Really in their back pockets.), the Police who see yet another way to show the City Controllers how valuable they are, and all levels of Politicians who need a Capitalist's support to get elected term after term.  

So think about it clearly.

Once they outlaw free internet, only Outlaws and Pirates will get it free.

You'll be the one paying a lot more money for it, the one they regulate usage on, monitored on what you can and cannot do, and fed the information that someone else has decided that is appropriate for your License's pay level.

This is,
Still Backing Torrents,
Jim Hauenstein,

“Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all” - Johnny Depp -

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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