I would like to invite you to read my first eBook called
"No Return Address."
It's a psychological thriller set in a series of letters written by the antagonist to his old college roommate.
It has thrills, it has chills, and most of all, it has spills.
The hemoglobin type I might add.
Just go to www.smashwords.com/b/250521 and you will see
"No Return Address."
If by chance the book doesn't show up right away you will need to turn off the "Adult Filter," because the book is rated Mature, then you can either type in my name or the book's name into their search box and then you'll have it!
It's only 99 cents and where else can you get this kind of entertainment at such a low low price.
To purchase the book you will have to sign up for a Smashword account, but that is free.
And being the avid reader we know you are, you already know that when you buy an eBook, you always have to start an account with that web site.
You can also see the title on Sony's website, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Diesel, and Page Foundry. Soon to be on Amazon and Baker-Taylor's Blio!
So give it a try. I just know you'll like it!
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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