About Me

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Hello my fellow Politiores Troglodytes. This Blog is a collection of Posts, Poems, & Short Stories that I write on a daily basis. If you find it entertaining, informative, and controversial, then I have done my job properly. Thank goodness too, because Karma has been on my case of late. I'm supposed to bring fifty people into the fold or I'll have to give back the part of Einstein's brain I inherited. No, I'm not one of the Scientists who got a piece of his brain when he died. Karma said, "Eat this knowledge. It'll make you smarter!" The bargain I made with Karma was, if I could change fifty people into Politiores Populos, I would be rewarded with my very own Lamborghini. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Like what you're reading, then read on. P.S. Populo is Latin for people. Politiores is Latin for educated. Troglodytes is English for troglodytes. And Einstein's brain was stolen by Thomas Stoltz Harvey after his death in 1955 and eventually divvied up into 240 pieces. If you just read that last sentence, then you have just learned something and I'm just that much closer to fulfilling my commitment to Karma!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Enough Already

Enough is Enough!
    Every few years or so I receive a "Breakup Mixtape" from some anonymous person.
    I've been taking a deep dive on the internet ever since I got the first one maybe twenty-eight years ago!
Break Up Playlist | theclockonline 
    Yes I looked up "Twirlit" which is a Facebook site that talks about entertainment, today's hot gossip, fashion, beauty, and dating/relationships!
    I tried to look up some of the followers to see if there was someone I knew from my past but going through 1.4K Followers sends me down through the rabbit hole of madness.
    The problem is, I cannot remember ever breaking up with someone. I was the one always being dumped because of my cavalier attitude towards having a serious relationship.
You won!
Remember, you dumped me!
This is,
I Guess Your Plan Worked Because I'm Going To Say
I'm Sorry

“After being dumped, I've had more women slap my face when they asked me, "How do you feel now?"

"It only hurts until the next one.” - James Hauenstein -

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

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