Okay, what has it been? A little over a month? I guess I have become a once a month blogger.
(Insert sad face emoji)
I know it is hard to keep a following in this day and age of the 20 second video blurb. Especially when I am only writing once a month and readership of any kind of print is down worldwide. Yet, I love a challenge. So, let's try this one. It is a story I dreamt up last night.
Hop aboard! Everyone ready?
We are taking a time machine back to a day where music was mostly heard only on a thing called the Radio and seldom on Network TV. A time before MTV, the internet, YouTube, and streaming services. Yes children, we are going back to the dark ages where people had to buy a round thing called "a record" and then buy another thing called "a record player" to play the records on.
I know it sounds frightening, but do not fret. All these people still manage to live through these dark times to become your parents and grandparents.
(Warning! Do Not Remind Your Parents Or Your Grandparents Of Those Dark Ages Because Your Benevolent Government Has Suppressed Those Memories In Them So They Can Lead Happy, Productive Lives)
If you left one of these record disks out in the sun or in a hot car, you would cry because you had to spend another seven dollars on a new one.
It also took time for the sound quality to improve.
But singers did have high tech technology with the original auto-tune. Covering one ear with a hand.
So forgive your parents or grandparents when the mumble out foolish statements like, "Music was so much better back when I was growing up."
It wasn't. Each generation grows up with their own sound.
(Disclaimer: Every era has great, good, and bad music. They are restricted only by the technology of the time and the available instruments.)
This is,
Your Federal Government Denies All Efforts Of Programing Your Relatives So They Can Lead Happy, Productive Lives
They Were Born That Way
Jim Hauenstein
That is my story and I am sticking to it!
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And before anyone complains about how the music of their generation is the best, remember, this was only a dream. A work of fiction.
Let the hate mail begin!