I'm sure you all know that life is a journey of valleys and hills. My metaphor of having ups and downs which happens to us all. But the metaphor has a deeper meaning than just saying up and down. Valleys are usually seen as beautiful places with rich vegetation and wildlife. Top of the hill has been synonymous with success. So instead of ups, where things might be going good for you at the time, and down, where things start going bad for you, look at life as a series of valleys and hills. Valleys are a low point but they also mean there is opportunity coming, lessons that can be learned for improvement, and for your future looking brighter because you will soon be on your way up again. Being on top of the hill means you will eventually start heading down towards the valley but if you prepare and take life in stride you will always be heading back up.
Why am I telling you this? Because my last post depicted me in the lowest part of my valley. I was forgetting about how I will soon be on my way up. And it has happened. I am once again the proud grand-papa of a baby girl.
I am so proud of my eldest daughter who decided this baby girl's middle name should be that of her mother
and my wife,
This is,
I Am So Proud Of All Of My Children
Jim Hauenstein
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If
you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
That is my story and I am sticking to it!